Tooth Crystal

Now a days a number of individuals are opting for contemporary aesthetics for themselves. Tooth Crystal is one of the latest trends which has emerged successfully in the last few years. This shining crystal is an attractive feature which is prominently seen when an individual smiles. These days tooth crystals have become a part of the jewelry of young females. These crystals can be prominently seen in the front teeth. Therefore, this is the most preferred area for the same. One of the most common tooth for the tooth crystal is the second tooth from the front in the upper left and right quadrant.

Tooth crystal involves putting precious, semi-precious or metal crystals onto the teeth so that the teeth shine whenever you smile.The Jewel is stuck on the tooth with an adhesive substance used in dental practices.The best part of this latest aesthetic feature in cosmetic dentistry is that there is no drilling involved and the procedure is completely painless. The process of fixing a crystal just takes around 15-20 minutes. So, you need not hold much patience for this procedure.

It can last for a relatively long period if maintained properly. It makes the procedure worth the investment. Our cosmetic dental specialists will ensure that you get quality tooth crystal is placed over the teeth so that the aesthetic features are seen visibly when the patient smiles.  Whenever you wish to remove your crystal, it can be taken off by a dentist.

It is always recommended to get dental cleaning procedures done even if you have the crystal fixed on your tooth. The tooth crystal is dealt in a soft manner to avoid its removal. We ensure that you have pleasant experiences with your tooth crystal placement procedure and stay happy with it for an appreciable time period.

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