Cosmetic Tooth Colored Fillings

The tooth become weak enough when it starts decaying and the resulting cavity need to be filled immediately so as to prevent the decay and to get back the optimal chewing function. Different types of materials are used to create fillings. Fillings are considered to be the ultimate treatment for tooth decay and also to restore the damaged tooth. Today cosmetic fillings are executed by dentists both for aesthetic reasons and for better oral health. Cosmetic filling is a type do dental procedure where a material like composite white filling or silver amalgam is used so that the decayed tooth can be treated. This material is inserted into the tooth by dentists so as to prevent the decay from spreading and to repair the damages.

Cosmetic fillings are the ultimate treatment to stop the decay from spreading into root which may cause infection later. After the advent of cosmetic fillings, the need of tooth extraction is reduced. There are three different types of material that are used for fillings: Silver amalgam fillings, Fluoride (white) fillings and composite tooth-colored fillings.

Silver amalgam is the conventional material that has been in used for years for filling. Silver amalgam is composed of several metals like mercury, tin and copper. With the combination of these materials the normal function of the tooth is well maintained. 

Flouride releasing fillings are done in deeper cavities & being adhesive in nature, helps to stick on the teeth. They are white in colour.
The composite tooth colored filling which is a synthetic combination of glass and acrylic resin and it is white in color, thus it amalgamates perfectly with the natural color of the tooth. This filling is mainly offered to patients who are quite concern about their looks and want to have fillings that can amalgamate with the natural color of their tooth.

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