Dental care for kids

Pediatric Dentistry is a dental specialty that concentrates its attention on infants and children providing preventive and therapeutic oral health care. During the “growth” phase of a child, special approaches are needed to guide the dental growth and development in order to avoid future dental problems.

A common question that parents ask is “why spend on the maintenance of milk teeth when they are to be finally replaced by the permanent ones?”


Milk teeth are as important as the permanent ones because

  • Baby teeth are important in proper feeding and nutrition.
  • Milk teeth serve as space maintainers for the proper spacing and alignment of the permanent teeth.
  • Healthy milk teeth are crucial in helping the baby learn how to speak properly.
  • Healthy looking teeth are important in building self-confidence at an early age. Small children because of immaturity are quick to tease peers about ugly looking or decayed teeth.

We offer these different kids dentistry services:-

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