Mottling of Teeth Correction

Intrinsic staining of the teeth, unlike extrinsic stains, can’t be treated with bleaching. Various causes of such discolouration can be any disturbance in normal tooth structure formation, like trauma, excess fluoride intake , taking medication (esp. tetracycline), vitamin deficiency or any hereditary disorder (eg: amelogenesis imperfecta, dentinogenesis imperfecta, and other developmental disorders).

Fluorosis of teeth occurs due to excessive intake of fluoride when tooth is getting calcified. Depending on severity, it affects both shape and colour of the teeth, hence compromising the cosmetics. Trauma to the developing tooth bud can cause hypoplastic defect which appears white in colour. Tetracycline stains and developmental disorders also produce characteristic staining and latter also cause changes in shape of teeth making them more prone to dental caries.
Treatment required for any of such condition depends on the severity of the discolouration and need to restore back the form of the tooth. Usually, microabrasion and macroabrasion do not provide satisfactory results in badly discoloured teeth which make patients conscious.

A definite treatment involves a partial coverage (veneers) or full coverage (crowns) of teeth with tooth coloured material. Crowns being more retentive than veneers because of the more surface area covered and the grip they take over the tooth, can be made of either entirely of the most aesthetic material, porcelain (hence, metal free crowns) or porcelain fused to metal (PFM crowns). However, veneers have to be made up entirely of either composite or porcelain.

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